What are the right tiles for a Victorian style bathroom?
The Victorian bathroom should be a very functional, and not really luxurious, space. During the Victorian period, bathrooms did not exist in most houses. A simple tin bath in front of the kitchen range would have been used. When bathrooms were introduced later, they were extremely functional and non-decorative.
If you want your bathroom to be truly in keeping with the era, stick to black and white or cream both on the floor and walls. A particular favourite is white brick shaped tiles with black or grey grout on the walls and a black and white mosaic pattern Victorian floor tiles or terracotta quarry tiles on the floor.
The Victorian Emporium's white bevelled wall tiles
Fireplace Tiles for your Victorian Home
Coal was the order of the day due to the availability of it. Victorians used colourful patterned panels around their fireplaces and tiles on their hearths to prevent stray embers from setting the house on fire. These tiled panels tend to be one tile wide by several deep and would often depict musical instruments or flowers. The hearth tiles could have been in many different colours to complement the panels.
The Victorian Emporium's fireplace panel tiles
Tiles for a Welcoming Hallway
This is the place where the middle class Victorian had an opportunity to really impress their guests. Flooring in Victorian entrance hallways if afforded was a decorative pattern of ceramic/stone Victorian floor tiles, often following through from the garden path and porch, many examples of which survive to this day. These can be replicated using modern Victorian style mosaic tiles , or even the originals added to or repaired as both the colour palette and tile shapes and sizes for our ranges are taken from the historic tiles produced over 100 years ago by the original manufacturers. A top tip from someone who has made the mistake – avoid white tiles in hallways as otherwise you will be forever with a mop in your hand.
One of the Victorian Emporium's mosaic tiled floor designs
Porch tiles
Kitchen Tiles
Again a functional room rather than highly decorative, as the Victorians tended to use the ornate decorations in their public rooms, and not waste them elsewhere. Terracotta in red or red and black chequered pattern on the floor and if used, brick shaped tiles on the walls in a combination of two colours. The important thing was for them to be easy to keep clean.
The Victorian Emporium sells the full range of beautiful Victorian style floor and wall tiles for every room in your house. Our traditional wall tiles vary from simple designs to intricate patterns or pictures. We stock a wide range of floor tiles for both interior and exterior use to complement your Victorian home.
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